Time with family. Freedom from pain. Peace of mind.
These are the qualities hospice brings to many who are facing serious illnesses.
Through a team of dedicated caregivers, such as physicians, nurses and chaplains, we provide a support team that enables patients to spend more time at home and enjoy more quality time with their families and loved ones.
We believe that hospice care provides the quality of life you need in order to spend more time with those you love and less time managing your symptoms. This may take many forms, from an outdoor picnic with loved ones to visiting nearby relatives.
Hospice care means you can have help at home or wherever you call home, whether that’s a nursing center or one of our care centers.

We open our doors and our hearts to all who have serious illnesses.
At Mountain Valley Hospice, we:
- Treat the physical needs of patients in addition to their emotional and spiritual needs.
- Offer services in the patient’s home or, if this is not possible, in a home-like setting.
- Focus on making patients pain-free and as comfortable as possible so they can spend their time doing the things that matter most to them.
- Believe that caring for patients means helping their family members. This is an essential part of creating the best experience for those facing serious illness – every patient, every family, every time.
- Believe that the quality of life is just as important as the length of life.
Nationwide, more than a million patients and their families have utilized the services of hospice. While 60 percent of hospice patients have cancer, hospice is not only for cancer patients. We also help those who have several different conditions such as heart disease or AIDS.
Several of our patients and their families have said: “I don’t know what I would have done without hospice.” Many credit our care to helping them spend warm and memorable days with their loved ones.
Do you or someone you know qualify for hospice care? Contact Us or Make a Referral. We’ll be happy to guide you through the entire process.
Love’s PEAK – Providing empathy and assurance for kids
Our Love’s PEAK pediatric program has a multidisciplinary pediatric team that is dedicated to and experienced in addressing the mental, socioeconomic, and clinical aspects that are associated with life-limiting conditions in childhood. Having such a team in the Love’s PEAK program allows medically-fragile children to be supported in their home in a safe and familiar environment surrounded by their family and caregivers.