As an individual, group, club, organization, or business, when you use your connections to garner support for the hospice mission, you are making a difference for patients and families in your community. So, start a fundraiser and reach out to your network to help give the gift of compassion for all those served by Mountain Valley Hospice!
Click below for the guidelines and application for hosting a fundraiser for our organization.
For more information, contact Leigh Anne Groves at (336) 789-2922 or

Tips to help make your event a success!
Hype it up
Promote your event well ahead of time, on as many avenues as possible. The more people know about the event, the better your turnout will be!
Know your stuff
Be ready to answer general questions regarding our mission and services. You can find this information on our about page.
gather lots of info
Collect donor information so you can thank participants- Share contact information with MVHPC so that we can thank them too!
brag about it!
Share your event photos or videos with us as soon as possible after the event so that we can share them on our social media.